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Well it has been 2 years since my gastric bypass surgery was done.I had it done May 16Th of 2007 At Grinnell Iowa @ Grinnell Regional Medical Center. I lost a total of 146 pounds i stopped loosing at 126 and I have gained some of it back but that is all part of the process. I have not changed in clothes sizes by having to get bigger size clothes.I 'm still wearing a size 10 in women's jeans and size med. is shirts. I still get cold very easy and have to wear sweat shirts and sweat pants in the house all year around..I have to wear layers when i go outside.. i have not fat at all on my body not even in the butt area. it is skin and bones .I have lost a few rings sizes downwards i had to get a new wedding ring cause the old one was to loose on finger.I have had to buy smaller size gloves cause hands are smaller in size. I have had to size down my ball caps i wear to smaller size. The pouch still controls the body .meaning if i eat or try some food it doesn't like it lets me know it by doing a dump on me . I use Maalox sometimes to help calm down the pouch. which is great stuff to use. the Liquid in the bottle with the Purple label. Still have a issue with peanut butter pouch does like it and makes me sick must be the bad fats or the oil of the peanuts. I started walk 3 miles a day again to help fell better and to get back in some kind of better shape besides looking like a Sherpa dog with all the extra loose skin i have.i have not been sick at all with cold or the flu or any UTI's since i have had the surgery. I never lost any of my hair at all, I kepted it all and it grows fine .I take my Centrum Chewable vitamin every day I had to change to it cause the other vitiamn i was on was not dissolving so i got no benefit from it.I 'm still on my drinking and eatting schedule that i started 2 years ago and it works fine for me.I still have to watch what kinds of food i eat . i eat nothing with coating on it such as meats.I eat no beef meat at all. i eat chicken fish and turkey meats. no potato chips junk foods. i eat alot of canned fruit that is low in syrup or sugar and drain the juice or syrup off of it.I still watch my salt in take and drain canned veggie the water off them & rinse them in tap water and cook them in tap water or steam them.I can eat apples as long as i wash them and peel the skin off of it.and cut them into small pieces.I 'm not sorry i had this surgery done it saved my life.And so did Dr.Stephen Sundberg who did the surgery.I 'm schedule to see Dr.Sundberg yearly now since i 'm doing so well and behaving myself with my diet.I feel better then i have in years and i'm sleep alot better too.
Can you tell I haven't been here in awhile? I would have answered sooner. I'm on title xix, and had my surgery in January. Kari is right, they do require a 6 month doctor supervised diet. If your primary care doctor isn't on board with you having surgery, see if you can go to someone else. That's is where you start. Then you will need to go to the seminar that the bariatrtic center does. From there you pick a surgeon and have an initial consultant with them, that really gets the ball rolling!
When I did my 6 monthn diet, I didn't lose any weight, so don't stress about that. I had to have a pulmonary clearance, cardiology, psych, and a sleep study. But reverything was good, they submitted my stuff, and heard that I was approved in like 3 days.
If I can be anymore help, just email me....
Haven't been on here in quite awhile and it's only because work has been very hectic. The school year is almost over and then it'll be much, much, much less hectic!
I am officially three months post-surgery now and doing very well. I just can't believe that I had surgery just three months ago and feel and look so good. (sorry, that sounds braggy) I am now down 66 pounds since I started my weight loss journey in October, 2008. It just amazes me how fast I lost the weight and how well I feel after losing the weight. I do have my three month post-op appointment tomorrow so I'll know more then how I am doing.
A week ago, we had a health screening at work and my cholesterol is 166, down from 217. Amazing, huh? I am going to take those results to UIHC and show them. I know that Lynn and Debi will be happy. Yeah me! :-)
Eating is no problem and my portions are very small and very healthy. I am doing well with all the supplements too, except once in awhile I forget my evening calcium supplement. I am trying to make a very consious effort to take it because I don't want to have brittle bones. :-)
Thanks for being here to listen and have a great weekend!
It will be wonderful to hear how your experience went.
It was great to read your accomplishments. I am just over 2 months out and wanted to see how I compare to others. My surgon did not give me a weight goal - which I completely undersand, but I also think it is good to know if I'm on track or not. Anyway...I've lost 67 lbs to date, 40 lbs post op. Sounds pretty close to where you were @ 2mo. I'm feeling great and wish I would have done this long ago! :0)
Good luck to you....

Oh and I stayed in a hotel for a week and made sure they had a recliner (important!) and did great and liked having peace of mind I was close to Dr. G if I needed him. I wouldn't have done it any other way.
Yay for you! exciting!!!!!
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos